In the previous articles, we learned how to deploy the Flutter desktop for Linux, the web app with Firebase, and S3. And in this tutorial, I will show you how to build and package a Flutter Linux Desktop app with Bitrise.
Test-driven development, or TDD, is a testing method where you first convert the feature requirements to tests and then write code to make the tests pass. In this article, we take an objective look at test-driven development, its benefits, downsides, and best use cases.
A hands-on guide explains how to build and package Flutter Linux Desktop apps with Bitrise so you can reach more users in browsers with the same experience as on desktop devices.
Here are some of the takeaways and learnings from Google I/O 2022!
A hands-on guide explains how to build, deploy, and host Flutter Web apps on Amazon S3 so you can reach more users in browsers with the same experience as on mobile devices.
Lily shares with us her unique journey to Bitrise, her defining career moments, and what she would do for a career if she wasn't doing this.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Manage iOS Code Signing Step with a Flutter app to manage your code signing assets, archives, and export an .ipa.
In the fourth blog of our internal platform team series, Zsolt Márta explains how Bitrise uses Terraform Cloud to enable teams to manage resources in a fully self-served way.