Reduce feedback loops with remote build caching

Bitrise Build Cache is a fully managed remote caching solution that reduces CI build and test durations for applications built with Gradle and Bazel build tools.

Cache Anywhere

Bring your own CI platform

Bitrise Build Cache’s flexibility to cache builds on any CI platform means your team can reduce redundant build processes without overhauling how and where they work.

  • Evaluate how Bitrise Build Cache can shorten your build times with a free 30-day trial
  • Kickstart your build caching through a completely self-managed and intuitive setup process
  • Measure the impact of Bitrise Build Cache with out-of-the-box reporting and monitoring

Supported build systems

Our Build Cache currently supports both seamless CI/CD integration as well as remote connectivity (supporting local development workflows) for the following tools:


Faster builds, happier devs

Build and test outputs can be shared across local and CI environments, keeping feedback loops short. As a result, teams spend less time waiting and more time solving meaningful problems.

  • Cut build and test durations in half, or more, regardless of which CI platform you’re using
  • Iterate and merge changes faster thanks to reduced build durations and faster feedback loops
  • Optimize resource usage by reducing repetitive build tasks and lessening demand on CPU, memory, and bandwidth


Keep it simple (and fast)

We completely manage all aspects of Bitrise Build Cache’s infrastructure and storage so that you can focus on what matters: building and shipping quality apps.

  • Build with Bitrise CI where colocated cache storage and CI runners eliminate caching latency and data egress fees
  • Confidence that network latency will be kept to a minimum on other CI platforms with our globally distributed cache storage
  • Improve your security posture by removing the need to self-host cache infrastructure and protect valuable artifacts


Monitor cache performance

A remote build cache proves its worth only when your CI builds can effectively utilize it. Assess metrics about your cache’s hit rate and drill down to specific build tasks to uncover optimization opportunities.

  • Track cache hit rates to maximize the efficiency and performance of your remote build cache
  • Set up alerts to proactively notify you when builds fail to meet your expected cache hit rates
  • Explore invocations to identify specific cache misses and find the targets they're linked to

Data Sheet: Unlock Efficiency with
Bitrise Build Cache

Our Plans

Build Cache is a standalone solution that doesn’t require an active Bitrise plan.
For details, visit our pricing.

Bitrise Build Caching

From $440 / month
The plan includes 2000 invocations per month, and 50GB high performance storage.

Build Cache used on Bitrise CI has $0 network fee.
If you’re using Bitrise Build Cache outside of Bitrise CI $0.12/GB network egress fee applies.

Additional invocations are available at $40/200 invocations per month.
Additional storage is available at $0.80/GB.
Start 30-day trial
Unlimited connections
Build cache on any CI
Managed infrastructure
Performance details and monitoring

Build better apps, faster with Bitrise

Start building or reach out to our team.