Mobile DevOps
 Health Check

How well does your Mobile DevOps team perform? Take the quick Mobile DevOps health check to find out how mature your team is and how you compare against the industry’s top-performing apps.

Question 1 of 6


Calculated from when it enters a workstream, is accepted by a PM or PO, up until it’s out in a live version (including when behind feature flags). If you measure Lead Time, it’s Lead Time plus however long it then takes to get a version into the app store.

Question 2 of 6


By a hotfix release, we mean one that is urgently released to fix a problem that was just discovered in the latest version of an app.

Question 3 of 6


Calculated from when it enters a workstream, is accepted by a PM or PO, up until it’s out in a live version (including when behind feature flags). If you measure Lead Time, it’s Lead Time plus however long it then takes to get a version into the app store.

Question 4 of 6


Measure from the moment you released the version that required the fix, not from the moment you detected the issue.

Question 5 of 6


Your Mobile Product Organization are the combined teams of Product, Engineering, Ops, and Marketing that are primarily working on your mobile products

Question 6 of 6

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