Out-of-the-box support for your Flutter apps. Build Flutter apps for both iOS and Android and use our Flutter Steps to build, test, and deploy them.
Build faster, better Flutter apps with optimized Flutter builds.
Use our Flutter Steps to run all available Flutter build commands in a CI environment without having to worry about custom scripting. Test, analyze, build, and deploy Flutter apps automatically.
Build a cross-platform app with Flutter and manage your Flutter build in a single Workflows for iOS and Android: You can take care of both at the same time by adding the necessary Steps.
Write and run unit, widget, and integration tests for Flutter builds on Bitrise: Just use the ready-made Flutter Test Step. Analyze your results with the Test Reports add-on: View individual test cases, check the logs, or just download your results.
Customize your Flutter build to fit your needs. Specify the exact version of the Flutter SDK that you want to use on Bitrise, or add any flag available to any of your Flutter builds as additional parameters.
Get cross-platform and third-party support, automated workflow configuration, custom plans, and more continuous integration for your Flutter build — you name it, we have it.
The Bitrise project scanner will detect that your app is built with Flutter, and will automatically configure an initial Workflow for you with all the necessary Flutter Steps. If you have tests in your project, the scanner also recognizes those.
The Bitrise Step library has over 350 integrations with mobile tooling and is ever-expanding. Integrate with most third-party mobile tools to manage your dependencies, run your tests, or deploy your app. Missing anything? Request or build it yourself!
Bitrise supports all major Git services, Pay-As-You-Build, SAML SSO, team and role management, enterprise-grade security, and hosting. Used by 20% of Fortune's Global 100 for some of the world's most downloaded apps.
Integrating with all the tools you love and use for testing, distribution, and notification.
Install the Flutter SDK on your build machine: Choose the version you want to use or stick to the latest stable one.
Run the `flutter analyze` command in any Flutter build to check your code with the Dart analyzer.
Build and deploy your Flutter apps for both Android and iOS with their own customized configurations.
Run integration tests, unit tests, and widget tests that are written for Flutter builds. Use any of the available flags for the `flutter test` command.
Get started for free or contact us if you have any questions.