The road to Bitrise: an interview with Michael Roguly

We are talented, we are discoverers, and nothing is impossible at Bitrise! Meet Michael Roguly from the USA. Read about his journey to Bitrise, what it is possible to achieve at Bitrise and beyond, and his most-defining career moments. 

Why did you choose to work at Bitrise?

Bitrise chose me in a roundabout way. I was hired as part of Bitrise’s acquisition of Outlyer. It turned out to be the best thing.

What’s your role at Bitrise? How does your role contribute to your wider career journey and provide opportunities for the future?

I’m the US Sales Manager here at Bitrise. I moved from an IC role to a Manager around 6-months ago and this is in line with the career journey I envisioned for myself. Bitrise is a meritocracy, and if you put in the work, you will be able to gain the opportunities you set out for yourself. 

What was the lesson that you learned along the way, that you wish you had known right from the start?

At Bitrise, you don’t have to worry about ruffling feathers if it means that in the end what you’re working towards is best for Bitrise. There is no place for blaming here, which is great because you are allowed to screw up, own it, and move forward. And that’s the only way you can do it because when we are doing an uncharted path, you are going to make mistakes. So the only thing is to accept them, learn from them, and move forward.

Do you have any tips you’d like to share with aspiring 'Risers?

You get out of the journey what you put into it. Bitrise doesn’t have a micromanagement culture, so the high achievers are the ones who are the self-starters. 

​​What kind of skills do you need to have to work effectively at Bitrise?

You have to be curious about the product and the mobile space in general. You have to be gritty & hard working. Finally, you have to care about your colleagues and helping others. 

What’s your favorite method of learning?

I like to read.

Thanks to Michael for sharing their story about their road to Bitrise. If you’re interested in joining Michael at Bitrise, check out our open job openings here.

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