Bitrise’s mobile DevOps platform has been named in the exclusive Gartner Magic Quadrant for a brand new category: DevOps Platforms.
WWDC is creeping towards us — and we're looking forward to seeing Apple's latest technological advancements and connecting with engineers. Here's a roundup of what we know and what's being speculated about the upcoming WWDC 2023.
We made some improvements to our Reach Native demo app and reduced build time by nearly 60%. Check out what optimizations we made and how we sped up the build time on our demo app.
The mobile app release process is a work of art that has many moving parts which need to work simultaneously. In this article, you’ll learn how to master the art of mobile app releases.
Billing for Bitrise Insights is changing. You'll now be charged for the quantity of monthly builds and tests you run. Read for more.