We're thrilled to announce the support for Private HTTPS Repositories - a new way you can authorize Bitrise to access your repository via an HTTPS URL, using a Personal Access Token.
This newly launched feature allows alternative methods for you to link your apps to Bitrise, extending beyond the previously available options: the select remote repository option and manually adding a non-HTTPS URL.
With the introduction of Private HTTPS Repository support, you now have enhanced control over which repositories Bitrise can access when building your app, and it requires fewer steps to set up than manually adding your URL or providing SSH keys. Meaning, you get to decide what we do and do not have access to, while you get to enjoy less (tedious) interruptions in your workflow.
In order to build a mobile app on Bitrise, mobile developers need to connect their GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket account by registering an OAuth application to their respective git provider. This process allows Bitrise to access the repositories associated with your account - a necessary step to be able to clone your repository to the virtual machine when starting a new build. How you add your app to Bitrise (HTTPS URL, manually adding a URL*, providing SSH keys) all depends on your personal preferences, security requirements, network environment, and Git service provider.

In our continuous effort to streamline your workflow and increase versatility, HTTPS repository support is now available to all our customers. We're confident that this new feature will not only simplify your app-building process but also bolster security and control.
As always, happy building!
*Note: Enter URL manually option does not require a connected Git provider account: you can simply enter the URL and proceed to the authentication phase. More here on adding your first app.