A proper onboarding strategy featuring a standard set of processes and tools increases employee retention rates, improves job performance, and creates a happier workforce. In this short guide, we'll look at how poor onboarding experiences can adversely affect mobile development teams, as well as some engineering-specific tips to design great onboarding processes for your prospective mobile developers.
An excellent approach to accessibility is to build accessibility into your app workflow rather than address it at the end. When you build an accessible mobile app, you make your app inclusive of everyone, both with and without a disability. Learn how a tool like Bitrise can help!
In this blog, we'll show how you can import your project manually or as an iOS project. I’ll also present a few step combinations that can be used to test and deploy your KMM apps.
A hands-on guide to building an Android app with AWS Amplify and Bitrise
The VP of Growth at Bitrise shares his journey to Bitrise, his defining career moments and what he would do for a career if he wasn't doing this.
Our brand-new report examines the ever-evolving shopping industry, delving into the trends and challenges faced by mobile retailers. Read on to find out the state of the industry, the latest product trends and cutting-edge features, and the key Mobile DevOps practices used by some of the leading shopping apps.
At the end of January, 2022 we will remove Xamarin from our officially supported platforms and with that, we’ll also remove all VS4 Mac stacks. Preceding that - at the end of October, 2021 - Xamarin Steps and Visual Studio stacks will be deprecated on Bitrise and moving forward we will not publish new updates for them (with exceptions).
It's a common belief that within the quality, cost, and speed triangle, only two elements can be optimized for. But is this true? I'll show you why quality is non-negotiable, and how Bitrise helps mobile teams get the balance right.