Build log grouping: Introducing a new and improved build log feature for mobile app developers

We're excited to announce a new feature—build log grouping—that will greatly improve the way mobile app developers build, test, and deploy their apps on our platform. This new feature streamlines the build log process, making it easier to understand why a build failed and at which Step the failure occurred.

Before this update, build logs were often too long and difficult to navigate. Users needed to scroll through the entire log, looking for the failed Step and its corresponding logs. This process was time-consuming and often left developers frustrated. Additionally, many error messages were often brief and cryptic, making it difficult to understand the root cause of the failure.

With this new update, build logs are now grouped by Steps. Finished builds provide logs that are collapsed by default to hide the logs of successful Steps, which are likely to be irrelevant when troubleshooting a failed build. The log of the Step that failed is available immediately, making it much easier to find the error that caused the build to fail.

The collapsed summary also provides information on all the Steps and their timing, which allows developers to easily identify bottlenecks in the build process.

A screen shot of the Bitrise UI for how build logs are grouped.

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