This guide will walk you through all the steps from adding your Android project to Bitrise to deploying the apk built from your project to Google Play Store.
Step by step guide by Moses Kim of Shakuro on how you can integrate fastlane (a CD tool for iOS and Android) into Bitrise and run the same commands on Bitrise as you do locally.
You have a Kotlin Android app and you want SonarQube code coverage reports? Peter-John Welcome found a way. Read his guide.
Update your Git Clone step to 4.0.5 (or higher) as we had it totally rewritten to make it more concise, stable and reliable. Plus it'll be easier to contribute to it in case a new feature is needed. ✨
The last 10 lines of prettified Xcode logs are included in the standard logs to make debugging smoother.
We don't have full shell completion for the Bitrise CLI (yet!) but for now, we can show you some clever snippets with which you can enable completion at least for the bitrise run command.
Guest post by Monte Thakka, software engineer at Pillow about the reasons for testing the Pillow Pro app and the kinds of tests they can use, how they use Jest (unit tests) and Detox (end-to-end tests) for their app. And finally, about running these tests on Bitrise.