At Bitrise we love automation: it can save you time for creative work. Originally, PowerShell was developed to support system administrators automating and managing tasks and processes of the Windows operating system. Why should we consider and how can we use it in data business?
Encrypt a file on your computer, upload it into your repo and use this step to decrypt it without any further ado.
Code reviews are a must, but can be quite a pain, right? Some of it can be automated by using Danger & klint so that you can focus on meaningful and constructive development only, not typos and such. Guest post by Joe Birch.
We've already presented a possible way to create ad-hoc reports on GitHub data, but if you regularly work with information about the repositories it is worth building a package that would collect this information in a regular relational database. Read the guide on building a package processing this data.
Great news for all Open Source projects owners: all Developer Plan features are now available for free for open source projects. Quick and secure setup and swift builds for your open source apps on Bitrise. Read on for the details.
Ever wondered what a release workflow should look like and how to create release notes and do versioning automatically? Read this guide.
Do you need to create a demo version of your app? No problem! Build an .app file with a new step on Bitrise and upload it to a simulator.
When creating an Android app, apart from thinking about eye-catching design and usability, it’s also crucial to figure out what will be under the hood: how to store information. Read Vitaly Kuprenko's take on choosing the right database.