Welcome the Huawei AppGallery Connect Reports Step

It’s been a real pleasure to work with
Huawei — both for the first and the second time. Now, we wanted to go even further by bringing you another amazing Verified Step to make your life even easier. Introducing the Huawei AppGallery Connect Reports Step. ✨ Let’s see how can it help you!


About the Step

A few weeks ago, we announced the Deploy to Huawei App Gallery Step, which helps you upload and release your apps to Huawei’s App Gallery right away from your Bitrise account. You can read more about it in this blog post.

The new Huawei AppGallery Connect Reports Step allows mobile teams to get detailed reports directly from AppGallery Connect. This means you can get four different reports to provide you with useful information about a specific version of your app:

  • Download and Installation Report: get detailed insights into your installs, number of total downloads, break it down by country/region, and more
  • In-app Payment Report: use this to get a report on in-app payments filtered by date, country, and/or currency
  • Paid Download Report: if your app is a paid-only one, you’ll surely want to track the revenue it drives by each new app version. Understand how new features/version impact revenue with this report
  • Installation Failure Data Report: get a better understanding of installation failures of each new app version by filtering for specific device type

As reporting and analyzing data is getting more and more important in order to achieve better results, this Step comes in handy: no manual digging for data is needed anymore. The Step is based on AppGallery Connect Reports.


How it works

Head to your Workflow Editor and add the Huawei AppGallery Connect Step to the Workflow of your choice. If you run a new build, then deploy a new version of your app to Huawei’s AppGallery, the Step will automatically generate a .csv report of the previous version that was deployed (basically giving you a summary of that specific version). This way, you can keep an eye on the performance of your published app versions in terms of the number of installs, in-app payments, and so on.

You can add the Step to your Workflow here!  

By working together with Huawei, we aim to build a fruitful strategic partnership, in which we’ll relentlessly work to make developers' lives easier. This means that you can expect more exciting announcements to come! 😉 Feel free to reach out to us on Twitter or on our public Slack with your experiences about the Step, or to send us any great ideas that would help mobile devs in their daily tasks.

Bitrise Verified Steps are official integrations developed and maintained by the service owner. If you'd like to know more about our Verified Step Program and create your Verified Step, read more about it here.

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