Get real-time app health alerts with the PagerDuty Step

Keep track of your app's health with the newest addition in our Verified Step Library — with PagerDuty, you can and set up end-to-end test alerts, collect insights, and analyze recent incidents.

About the PagerDuty Step in Bitrise

Use the PagerDuty Step to run end to end tests for your apps every couple of hours as a system health check. In case a crucially important build fails, you can set up an alert to notify the exact right person every time. It allows you to ensure that operational issues and incidents are handled immediately.

While you can set up a similar workflow using email or Slack, when alerts are set up via PagerDuty, you can keep track of metrics about system uptime and configure a more advanced alert policy in your developer team.

For example, you can set up a workflow of notifications, starting with Slack. If no one replies in 10 minutes, send an email to the right individual or team that can address the issue. If the issue persists, make a phone call. With PagerDuty’s on-call scheduling, you can distribute workloads while safeguarding the business with 0-24 coverage.

Check out and add the PagerDuty step to your workflow here.

Bitrise Verified Steps are official integrations developed and maintained by the service owner. If you'd like to know more about our Verified Step Program and create your Verified Step, read more about it here.

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