Developers cry too. Engineering Managers, Tech Leads, Team Leads and Product Managers can now finally address the question of developer satisfaction with a new unique metric: Developer Tears Saved. Using metrics such as developer tears saved will help you in many conversations throughout the Mobile DevOps lifecycle You can pinpoint and celebrate your adoption milestones more quickly, quantifying and enhancing overall productivity of your Mobile Team.
Note: Bitrise Insights is an add-on. You must have a Bitrise account to access both Bitrise Insights and, by extension, Developer Tears.
As the demand to create engaging user-centric apps intensifies, mobile development team managers and product leaders are under increasing pressure to streamline operations and identify inefficiencies within their orgs. During these times, we feel like Mobile Teams and their well-being should be the core focus of these companies.
Today, Bitrise is proud to present Developer Tears Saved, a new feature within Bitrise Insights. This feature is designed to see the overall progress of your team's success, enhance productivity, and celebrate milestones. While traditional metrics, such as DORA metrics are important, developer engagement shouldn’t fall behind. With our new feature you can monitor team performance in real-time and celebrate milestones.
The problem teams today have
Gaining a comprehensive understanding of a mobile dev team's happiness is nearly impossible due to the absence and lag of metrics relating to happiness. Without these metrics, managers depend on peer word-of-mouth, engagement surveys, and platforms like Lattice to measure satisfaction.
Moreover, team leaders resort to a mix of spreadsheet tracking, third-party tools, custom dashboards, and 1:1 meetings. These methods often fall short, providing fragmented and delayed insights of happiness and room for human error due to interpersonal differences.
The solution: Developer Tears Saved
Our new Developer Tears Saved feature in Bitrise Insights addresses these challenges head on by focusing on this unusual metric: we are taking the average minutes cried per year (currently without geographical segmentation), the average milliliter per tearing segment and pair that to build times and the success of aforementioned builds.
Bitrise Insights is a central hub for CI/CD analytics. Integrated deeply into the Bitrise CI/CD platform, Bitrise Insights is the holistic solution for Mobile DevOps needs. Leveraging Developer Tears within Bitrise Insights enables you to be a better manager, either technical or non-technical.
The basics: Accessing Developer Tears Saved
To access Developer Tears Saved, sign into Bitrise. When logged in, navigate to Insights in the top menu bar, and then click on Developer Tears Saved in the left menu, under Explore.

After selecting Developer Tears Saved, you can toggle between ‘Crying Time’ and ‘Cry frequency’ to view the respective metrics.
For Engineering Managers, Tech Leads, Team Leads, and Product Managers
By closely monitoring these metrics, Engineering Managers, Tech Leads, Team Leads and Product Managers can pinpoint exactly where those happy milestones are occurring and celebrate them.
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says Kaushal Vyas, Product Manager at Bitrise.

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