We’ve raised $60M Series C to help you be faster, more efficient and more successful on mobile

Back in 2014, working in our own mobile development agency, every day was a struggle as we tried to deliver amazing mobile products, hindered by the tooling and practices available to us. It was that struggle that led to us founding Bitrise. We wanted to take away the drudgery, the manual and error-prone tasks, the noise, and help mobile teams — like us — deliver their best work.

Today, 7 years after starting this journey, 160 people across close to a dozen countries work tirelessly towards that same mission. We are driven by shared values: open mindedness, helping each other be better, moving with urgency and focus, and a deep-rooted care for our customers.

A groundbreaking year

That same team has brought us our most exciting year to date.

We doubled down on speed. We’ve delivered new and faster infrastructure for iOS teams with Gen2, improved builds speeds for Android by 20% across the board, and have made significant improvements to every part of the website, including improving the load time of the log by more than 60%.

We’ve also transitioned to a remote first company, which helped us attract new talent around the world, including team members in new locations like Spain, Germany, and Japan, where we’ve launched a branch office after seeing amazing growth over 2020 and 2021.

And, all the while, struck a balance between delivering small wins and improvements requested by the community, and ground-breaking new features that will set Bitrise, and the teams that rely on us, up for the future.

Insights and mobile engineering metrics

One of the recent launches I’m most excited about is Bitrise Insights, our build and team performance feature aimed at showing you how your builds and teams perform, how performance has trended over time, and where you can improve.

With the fastest adoption of a new feature by customers to date, many high-performing teams dive into Insights daily to find new ways to spend more time doing the work they love, and less time waiting for builds to finish or manually deploying apps.

And the future of Insights is bright. On the roadmap are features like advanced engineering metrics, weekly performance roundups sent to email or Slack, and benchmarking against aggregated performance data from the world’s most successful mobile-first companies. All to provide teams with the insights and tools they need to continuously improve and deliver ever more value for their businesses.

We’re not there yet

Proud as I am of the team and what we’ve managed to deliver for our customers, it’s a moving target. As more of our day to day lives move to — and are intertwined with — mobile, the need for mobile products will only increase.

Now that more businesses recognise mobile as the place where competition lives and where success is born, there will only be more apps, more releases, and more expectations from an increasingly critical audience that can easily find an alternative if your app doesn’t meet their needs.

We want to close that widening gap between what mobile product teams can deliver and what businesses need, once and for all.

Funding and new friends

Today, I’m excited to announce that we’ve raised a $60m Series C funding round to help us deliver on that goal. Bitrise is already core to the mobile engineering processes of many of the world’s most successful businesses, but — with this funding — we’ll build out our team and technology to make you even faster, more efficient, and more successful on mobile.

We’re excited to partner with Insight Venture Partners, one of the world’s top venture capital firms and home to many of our fastest growing customers. Together, we’ll work closely with existing investors — Partech, OpenOcean, Zobito, Fiedler Capital, H14, Y-Combinator, among others — as we accelerate our journey to a platform that enables highly effective mobile product organisations, at any scale.

What’s next?

Over the coming years, we envision Bitrise as the place where new mobile practices and tools are born, as we help all mobile product organisations deliver value, while we constantly improve on speed, reliability and utility of our core products.

Speaking more practically, our focus will be on:

  • Making our industry-leading mobile CI/CD platform faster, more versatile, and even easier to use by introducing faster compute options, re-examining our caching capabilities, further improving our build infrastructure, enhancing support for promising new cross-platform technologies like Flutter and Kotlin Multiplatform, and improving our overall UX including elements like the build log, workflow editor and Step library.
  • Releasing a steady stream of meaningful features that improve your team’s ability to deliver, like our upcoming Pipelines update that will make creating complex branching workflows with parallel processes as easy as its ever been.
  • Working with customers and community to define best practices, by meeting you at conferences, meet ups, online, and wherever else mobile is discussed to learn and share our growing knowledge on what makes successful mobile product organisations successful.
  • Attracting and developing top tier talent, to help us deliver on all of the above and more, while adding to our unique, constantly evolving culture. Obviously, we’re hiring and I’d love for you to join the team. Check out some of our dozens of open roles across all functions.

Thank you!

We wouldn’t be where we are today without you, our customers and community.

From our humble beginnings on Product Hunt where we were embraced by developers like us, looking for a solution to a problem we all shared, to the mobile engineers that join a new team and — first day in — suggest using Bitrise.

From the Japanese community that translated our DevCenter documentation so that local users could find answers to the questions we could only answer in English ourselves, to the countless customer teams that have spoken about their Bitrise experiences on engineering blogs, at conferences, and in our customer stories.

And then there’s the open source community that don’t just solve their own problems, but release and update Steps to help us all get better.

I — and the whole Bitrise team — thank and appreciate you, and look forward to delivering more, and better mobile products, together.

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