All about test automation: best practices with Angie Jones from Applitools

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About Angie

Angie Jones works as Head of Developer Relations at Applitools, a new generation test automation platform powered by visual AI. On top of that, she is the founder and Executive Director of Test Automation University. She’s previously worked as a Senior Software Developer at Twitter and regularly gives talks about Javascript, software development, and testing best practices. To learn more about her work and upcoming projects, you can follow Angie's Twitter profile or check out her courses at Test Automation University.

In this episode

We discussed the must-have practices engineering teams should implement into their processes, along with the different challenges that can arise in software testing and the tips & tricks that help solve them. We also looked at Angie’s test automation maturity framework that helps teams measure how advanced they are and enables them to reach a higher level in DevTestOps. 

Some of the most interesting questions we covered in this episode:

  • What role will AI play in software testing and how will it impact the day-to-day work of developers?
  • Which tests should be automated and which ones are still better done manually? 
  • What is your opinion about the future of codeless testing tools and their effects on the test engineers' role?
  • How to scale and look after an ever-growing test suite?
  • How to choose between native and cross-platform mobile test automation frameworks?

About this podcast

In Mobile DevOps is a thing! we showcase developers and their processes and learn about the ways in which mobile development processes differ and overlap, through the lens of Mobile DevOps. The aim? Learning how to be more productive and build better apps, whatever technology you might be using. For this, however, we need your help as well — if you have any questions or topics in mind that you would love to hear about in our upcoming podcasts, let us know on Twitter, or through email.

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