Scaling a Swift SDK - Learnings on building a set of Swift Libraries (meetup recording)

Guy Daher’s talk was recorded at the Paris Swift Meetup in March. Guy, a French iOS engineer working for Algolia introduces his learnings on building a set of Swift libraries.

Building a Swift framework made of multiple libraries is challenging to scale. We'll take a look at how we achieved the scalability of our Algolia libraries by tackling the right architecture, ObjC support and choosing the right CI/CD system.

Guy is a French iOS engineer who enjoys building open source Swift libraries at Algolia. He is currently working on a library that simplifies the implementation of elegant search experience in iOS applications. He previously worked at Microsoft and attempted to co-found a startup around a mobile application. Find him on Twitter, GitHub and Medium.

What to expect

  1. Setting the stage (00:52)
  2. Scaling for extensibility: App Architecture (02:26)
  3. Scaling for outreach: Obj-C support (05:07)
  4. Scaling for efficiency: CI/CD (08:18)
  5. Q&A (14:45)

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