Optimizing release frequency and building a release train with Neo Financial's Sudeep Sidhu

In this episode 

Sudeep is the Lead Mobile Developer at Neo Financial, a Canadian financial technology company that reimagines the way people spend, save, and earn rewards — and how they help users make the most out of their time and money using today’s technologies.

With Russell Stephens, Engineering Manager at Bitrise, we talked to Sudeep about how the mobile team behind Canada’s main challenger bank approaches release strategy. Sudeep also shared how the team evolved from ad-hoc releases whenever they had a new feature to the stable bi-weekly release train that they have today. 

You can listen to the episode here:

Tune in to learn about how to

  • streamline the release process using today’s tools and technologies
  • increase efficiency as a startup that is operating with limited time and resources
  • remain agile in the heavily regulated environment of finance and banking
  • hire the best engineers you can trust to make decisions for the team
  • make sure your fintech app is ready for the future

About this podcast

In Mobile DevOps is a thing! we showcase developers and their processes and learn about the ways in which mobile development processes differ and overlap, through the lens of Mobile DevOps. The aim? Learning how to be more productive and build better apps, whatever technology you might be using. For this, however, we need your help too — if you have any questions or topics in mind that you would love to hear about in our upcoming podcasts, let us know on Twitter, or through email.

The podcast is also available on these platforms:

Show notes & resources

  • You can follow Sudeep on his Twitter
  • Building innovative and secure financial services that help users save money — Read our blog post 
  • 5 ways the best mobile teams use release trains for increased speed and efficiency — Read our blog post
  • How mobile release trains drive speed and quality for the world's biggest apps — Download the report here

Happy building!

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