Edit your YAML like a boss

Do you fancy editing your bitrise.yml sometimes, beside using the Workflow Editor? We have great news for you then, because we pimped the hell out of the .yml editor, using the great ACE editor.

As per every proper code editor, there is useful syntax highlighting now with the beloved Monokai theme. Sublime users will recognize the familiar touch 😉.

You can now use default keyboard shortcuts, because yeah, it's the 21st century and ain't nobody got time to right-click all the time. Check them yourself, there's a lot you can choose from.

Cut 💇, copy 📋 and paste 🖌 functionality added.

Code folding is now enabled, as well as drag & dropping text using your mouse. 🐭

You can use search and replace text with regular expressions (a.k.a. RegEx). 🔎

And finally, automatic indentation for your code!

This all makes it so much easier to edit your config on Bitrise, that we hope you are itching to try it out! If you still miss something, make sure to let us know! And no, fixing-the-code-using-black-magic-so-it-wouldn't-break is not a feature we plan to implement in the near future, sorry.

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