Continuous delivery with Applivery on Bitrise

Applivery is a Spanish company that provides a powerful mobile app management and distribution system to simplify app delivery for both testers and employees, with a focus on an easy-to-use experience.

Applivery’s deploy steps for iOS and Android make it easier to set up your Continuous Deployment and Delivery workflow, speed up your time to market, and help your teams gather better and faster feedback — both for in-development and production-ready apps.

By making developers’ lives easier and automating the most tedious tasks in mobile app development — testing, code signing, and building — Bitrise has become the ultimate tool for mobile continuous integration (CI). It provides a simple and efficient way to automate other common tasks through integrations — one of which is Applivery. In this article, we’d like to show you how you can enhance your workflows by combining these two tools.


Multitrack automated delivery

Applivery provides multiple different ways for app distribution from customized App Stores (public or private) to Distribution Pages (public, private, unlisted, or password-protected installation links). It also enables multitrack app delivery based on the information gathered from your Bitrise workflows, such as GitHub Branches, Tags or customized labels.


The combined use of Bitrise and Applivery will also provide you with some other useful features such as advanced user management (including multiple SSO solutions), insights into your app adoption and usage or feedback and bug reporting.

Keep your deployment seamless and up-to-date

Applivery’s in-app updates are available when integrating the Applivery SDK into your Apps. Its most powerful advantage is that users are automatically updated and prompted with an alert every time a new version is deployed, enabling 1-click installation from the App itself.

Moreover, you will also be able to block those older versions which contain known bugs and issues. This way you can make sure that the App version reaching the users is always the updated one with no flaws.


Easy setup

All you have to do is add the Applivery Step to your Bitrise workflow. Most settings can be adjusted directly from the Bitrise Workflow Editor GUI and some others will be captured automatically when building your App.


For advanced configuration, you can take a look at the Applivery Tutorial on the Bitrise’s DevCenter page.

At Applivery, we help iOS and Android developers and enterprises accelerate their app development processes and improve their operations through continuous delivery. Combined with Bitrise, we can cover the entire life cycle, from testing and building to delivery and feedback, enabling you to deliver better applications, faster.

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