Integrate your app on Bitrise with Appetize and use this simulator to show off your app.
We have released a new version (0.9.0) (Dagio’s) deploy step. It has been rewritten in Go and is now smarter than it used to be. You'll need to upload an .app file with the step, which will send it to Appetize and provide you with a URL. There, you'll be able to configure the
- scale of the device
- type of the device
- Android / iOS version
- color of the device
and then run your app in any browser.

How to use it
- For iOS, provide a .zip or .tar.gz file containing your compressed .app bundle or the .app bundle.
- For Android, provide the .apk containing your app.
- If the given file’s extension is .app the step will create a new .zip with the .app bundle and uses that for upload.
The logs

Happy coding!