Internal app testing and store distribution made easy

Bitrise Release Management simplifies distributing your iOS and Android apps to testers or directly to app stores—all from one platform, from the CI you choose.

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Customer story

With Release Management, Bitrise listened to our feedback and feature requests, and brought maturity to our release process with greater consistency, visibility, and ease. We’ve eliminated manual steps and rarely need to manage releases from the app stores!

Ben Piatt
Lead Software Engineer for Android, Maven Clinic 
Read Maven Clinic's story →

Share app previews and get feedback faster

Faulty releases lead to uninstalls. Early app validation helps prevent costly fixes. That’s why Bitrise Release Management makes it easy to share your app with internal testers before it goes live.

Quickly share test versions OTA

Install your app on test devices over-the-air (OTA), bypassing App Store Connect and Google Play Console. Use public links for external testers and private links for internal testing.

Access build files fast

Stop wasting time sifting through emails, shared drives, or CI logs for app builds. Bitrise Release Management locates IPA, APK, and AAB files in seconds, letting you share builds with one click.

Prevent app uninstalls

Quickly distribute builds to testers, lighten manual QA, accelerate testing, and reduce the chance of critical errors reaching users.

Next-level test quality

Guide testers to key features with 'what to test' metadata, helping catch bugs early.

Opinionated App Store and Google Play releases

Whether you prefer manual control or automation, Bitrise Release Management streamlines the distribution of your app to App Store Connect and Google Play Console, making it easier to manage your releases.

Error-free releases

Never click the wrong button again. With automated store publishing to App Store Connect and Google Play Console, you can avoid costly public-facing mistakes.
Learn more →

One platform for iOS and Android

Juggling complex submission processes  creates confusion and wastes unnecessary mental bandwidth. Standardized iOS and Android store submissions with a single platform, simplifying the submission process regardless of your plan.

Ensure the right people have the right access

Manage who can access and control app submissions with role-based permissions, ensuring the right people have the right access—ideal for larger organizations with multiple apps and teams, and automatic deprovisioning former employees.
Learn more →

Release management datasheet

Get the complete feature list: Download our datasheet

Download datasheet →


Pricing is billed per app.





when billed annually or
$280/app/month when billed monthly
Plan overview
Fully automated
1000 artifacts/app
1000 artifacts/app
Storage size
150 days
365 days
Release Frequency
Number of Apps
Scalable tiered pricing
Whitelabel add-on (with volume discounts)
BETA distribution
Test builds/internal app distribution
Artifact Page - OTA
Public install page - Public OTA installation for Testers
Private install page - Private OTA installation for internal teams
Test group distribution
Assign tester groups
Share builds with testers
Store distribution
TestFlight & Google Play testing tracks (beta distribution)
Manual distribution flow
Automated distribution flow ?
Automate beta distribution. Set up your beta testing process ahead of time, and let Release Management distribute to internal teams and external testers automatically.
Coming soon
What to test (iOS)
Rollout to production
Release Manager
Gated releases
Submit for App Store review (iOS)
iOS phased rollout
Android Staged rollout
Automated staged rollout (Android)
Manage metadata
Feature flag
*Users need their own LD license
Integrate with CI (IPA, APK, AAB source)
Upload Release Candidate artifact via API
Upload Release Candidate from Bitrise CI
Upload Release Candidate from local machine
Only for beta distribution
Only beta distribution endpoints

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