Bitrise CLI

Welcome to deep space_

Explore Bitrise from your terminal and start creating awesome apps

GitHub source

Bitrise_CLI is a Command Line Interface for running your Workflows from Bitrise on your local machine or even automate your local development processes (or almost anything) with a single terminal command.

>brew install -> set!

We’ve made it so easy for you. No need to download anything, just one command and you can reach the final frontier!

brew update && brew install bitrise

If you're on Linux or want to installbitrisewithout using homebrew, check out the install instructions on the CLI's releases page. It's as simple as downloading the binary andchmod +xit.

>Experiment on your own machine_

Now you can use your favourite text editor to experiment with your workflow and see the results even faster by running the workflow on your own machine! You can develop your own Steps, add them to the workflow by pasting the local path to the given folder and test them over and over again!

Create new integrations!

Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Create your own Step to do the work and if you’d like, send a Pull Request to get it into our collection!

Configure workflows using .yml

Modify the bitrise.yml to configure your Workflows, Env Vars, Steps and many more. You only need a text editor and a terminal. Hack away!

>A Workflow can be as simple as:
format_version: 1.1.0

title: Template configuration.
summary: |-
  Template 'bitrise.yml', generated by 'bitrise init'.
description: |-
  - BITRISE_DEV_BRANCH: "develop"

- pattern: test**
  is_pull_request_allowed: true
  workflow: test
- pattern: "*"
  is_pull_request_allowed: true
  workflow: fallback

    - script:
        title: Hello Bitrise!
        - content: |-
            echo "Welcome to Bitrise!"
            echo "Such Test!"
            echo "Project Title is: ${BITRISE_APP_TITLE}"
            echo "and the primary development branch is: ${BITRISE_DEV_BRANCH}"
    - script:
        title: Fallback
        - content: |-
            echo "Such Fallback!"
>Build, test, deploy, notify -> all at your fingertips

You prefer to work in your terminal instead of using a web browser? No problem! If you don’t need your build logs to be on the web for the whole team to see, just install the CLI, download the config .yml from Bitrise and keep a tab in your terminal for Bitrise. Once you runbitrise run 'workflowname'in the terminal you simply have to press ‘↑’ and ‘↵’ to run the whole thing again!

Use all integrations from Bitrise

Bitrise CLI usesstepmanandenvmanto provide you with the complete Bitrise experience on your own machine. This makes it possible to use any Integration from our collection or use the one you created, should it be on your own computer or on Github.

See all ->
>Open source all the way!

You have some great ideas to improve Bitrise? Want to be listed among the Contributors on the Github page? Want to get a legendary 'Bitrise Contributor' sticker and a discount on your Developer plan? You can add your own modifications to customize Bitrise to better suite your needs on your own computer. Simply fork the repository and start modding the CLI! And if you’d like to see your commits on our Github page also send us a Pull Request!

I want to contribute!

So all that’s left is...

$ brew update && brew install bitrise